All posts by Marisa


TRACK MARKS 2020: Coldplay’s “Orphans,” the Unintentional Pandemic Anthem Released in 2019

Track Marks is a recurring feature that invites writers to briefly discuss a song that is meaningful to them in any way. Though they can appear on the site at any time, we always run a bunch of them in December and/or January and/or February, looking back at the year in music.

Coldplay performed “Orphans” on Saturday Night Live on November 2, 2019, when I was more worried about middle age than coronavirus.

“Shit,” I thought. “This is catchy.” As a rock-music fan approaching 40, I’m always worried about showing my decrepitude through the music I like. Ragging on Coldplay is an easy way to keep my bones from turning to dust. It shows I’m still with it enough to discern the difference between corporatized, consciously-coupled-with-the-mainstream dad-rock and truly felt, authentically crafted indie rock. But every once in a while Coldplay manages to slip a song through my defenses and expose my whole view for the lie that it is.

Continue reading TRACK MARKS 2020: Coldplay’s “Orphans,” the Unintentional Pandemic Anthem Released in 2019

The Podcast: Wonder Woman 1984

What now seems like a solid century ago, we held a discussion about the 2017 smash hit Wonder Woman in the context of the modern superhero movie. Now Wonder Woman is back on the big screen but mainly on a bunch of small ones as Wonder Woman 1984 premieres on HBO Max to the delight/consternation of viewers, fans, critics, and Twitter People everywhere. A nerd crew of Rob, Jon, Jesse, and Marisa wade through our own reactions as well as some popular (and sometimes baffling!) internet gripes to discuss the pros and cons of Wonder Woman 1984, a sequel that, depending on your mileage, we may have liked more than you?! Listen up and find out!

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The Podcast: Robert Zemeckis

Following up our recent career view of Sofia Coppola, the team turns their attention to a very different filmmaker, in celebration (?!) of the recent release (!?) of the new Robert Zemeckis version of The Witches. Experiencing this disappointment gave us an excuse to convene Marisa, Nathaniel, Jesse, and Jeremy, and talk about the ups and downs of this Spielberg protege, master craftsman, and low-key weirdo. It’s a long one, but we fulfill our usual goal of at least touching upon every feature film this director has made! Do you stump for Death Becomes Her? Hate Forrest Gump? Wonder what the hell was up with Welcome to Marwen? Have nightmares about The Polar Express? They’re all here!

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The Podcast: Sofia Coppola

Sofia Coppola’s new movie On the Rocks dropped on Apple TV (and a few theaters, apparently), and with a worldwide pandemic still raging, it felt like a good time to stay in and rewatch her other six movies and talk about her 20-year career so far. So that’s just what Marisa, Sara, Jesse, and Jeremy did in a comprehensive conversation, appreciation, and career overview. The gang’s all here: Bill Murray! Kirsten Dunst! Guilded cages! The birth of Josh Hartnett’s dirtbag cool! Amazing soundtrack cues! Anachronisms! The Godfather Part III! A short-lived MTV series! And more! If you love the current Best Coppola’s work as much as we do, you won’t want to miss this one.

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The Podcast: 1999 Albums – 69 Love Songs by Magnetic Fields

Our miniseries on notable albums from the blessed year of 1999 is finally coming to an end, with an episode recorded a year ago and lost until today, well past the 21st anniversary of 69 Love Songs by the Magnetic Fields. This episode is a showcase for frequent contributor Ben, who has a close and complicated relationship with the best-known, most acclaimed Magnetic Fields record, and who was really on the scene back in 1999. Are we all absolutely cuckoo for Stephin Merritt’s massive concept album? Listen and find out! It’ll only take one sixth as long as listening to the album itself!

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With all the editorial authority invested in me, someone who comes here to post about Halt and Catch Fire and Peaky Blinders sometimes, I officially announcing that is endorsing the ticket of Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris for president and vice president.

Do we think that anyone comes here to read our political opinions? No.

Do we think that anyone comes here at all to read our opinions about anything? Possibly not.

So then why are we doing this? Because this shit is not normal.

It’s not just a matter of looking at two different ways of running a country, and lining up behind the person whose policies best match up with our opinions of how things should be done. It’s about choosing between one party that has a vision of how to move the country forward — a plan that has pieces that we like and pieces that we don’t like — and one party who doesn’t want us to be a country at all anymore. And everyone who has a microphone, even one as tiny as ours, should be screaming about this. So we will: Fuck Donald J. Trump. Fuck the party that enables him. Fuck everybody who’s turned the other way as he’s enabled and enacted white supremacy, shown criminal negligence in matters of public health, flouted the law, trampled norms, consolidated power, and betrayed the founding principles of this country for his own gains. Vote, and vote Biden. (And yeah, a vote for anyone else falls into the category of “people who didn’t do all they could do to stop Trump” category.)

I was inspired to do this because Tough Pigs, the Muppet fan site, wrote its own endorsement of Joe Biden. I figured if the Muppet guys have the courage to come and step up, so should we. Their endorsement  is much nicer, and more eloquent, and includes lots of good reasons to vote for Biden. I encourage you to read it if you want some good reasons to vote that way.

But you know the reasons already. You should know the score by now.

It just needed to be said.

So we can pretend this post is useful and offers some sort of service:

  • Go to Vote411 to check your voting info and make a plan for how to vote. Balletopedia and Injustice Watch also has good info so you can study up on your ballot initiatives and your judges before you go to the booth.
  • The header image comes from this Etsy site, which is in the UK (they call it a jumper!) so it won’t ship you merch in time for the election and the proceeds won’t benefit the campaign, but it’s cuter than the other stuff out there. (They had nothing to do with the writing of this post.) These shirts are also cute and 50% go to the campaign.
  • Or fuck the shirts, and just give money to democrats all the way down. Donate to Biden/Harris, this fund to help flip some vulnerable senate seats, this fund for reps, and this one to help turn state legislatures. Some of these funds are rolling in it, but sometimes it feels good to rage-give. (I’m also a fan of Higher Heights, Vote Mama, and Supermajority, which helps women candidates get elected.)

The Podcast: Bill & Ted & Trilogies

To celebrate the recent release of long-awaited trilogy-creator Bill & Ted Face the Music, your pals at got together to talk about the new Bill & Ted movie, discuss our wide range of opinions of how well it works, and then have a broader discussion about the state and mechanics of movie trilogies these days. What are the best ones? What one-offs have been ruined into trilogies, and what great trilogies have been ruined with a part four? What makes a great trilogy, any? Are there even any? These questions and more are answered by your most excellent participants!

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The Podcast: Best Movies of 2020

Usually around this time of year, we do a seasonal episode about the various indie movies of the summer, and then an episode in January about the best movies of the preceding year. But honestly, who the hell knows what the rest of 2020 has in store for us? So this year we’ve decided to just call it off and talk about some of the best movies of 2020 right now, in August. Would Tenet or The New Mutants have made our informal list? Who knows?! And who cares?! We had more than enough good movies to fill a supersized episode anyway, all of which you can currently watch at home without getting covid! Join Marisa, Sara, Nathaniel, Jeremy, and Jesse as we console ourselves with cinema!

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The Podcast: Billboard Charts 2000!

It’s that other, similar but different time of year again: Time for us at to get together and take a selected tour through the full-year Billboard Hot 100 chart, talking about the singles we love, hate, and swear we’ve never heard in our lives. About the length of a killer mix tape, this episode crams in analysis, nostalgia, tangents, and everything else, covering, I don’t know, like 30 different pop songs across genres and tastes. It’s like what we did in 1999 and 1996, only this time it’s the YEAR 2000, BABY! So join Rob, Jesse, Marisa, and Jason on a wild ride through the first and/or last year of the millennium! And the Willennium! And the time when terrible pop-country dominated the charts!

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