With all the editorial authority invested in me, someone who comes here to post about Halt and Catch Fire and Peaky Blinders sometimes, I officially announcing that SportsAlcohol.com is endorsing the ticket of Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris for president and vice president.
Do we think that anyone comes here to read our political opinions? No.
Do we think that anyone comes here at all to read our opinions about anything? Possibly not.
So then why are we doing this? Because this shit is not normal.
It’s not just a matter of looking at two different ways of running a country, and lining up behind the person whose policies best match up with our opinions of how things should be done. It’s about choosing between one party that has a vision of how to move the country forward — a plan that has pieces that we like and pieces that we don’t like — and one party who doesn’t want us to be a country at all anymore. And everyone who has a microphone, even one as tiny as ours, should be screaming about this. So we will: Fuck Donald J. Trump. Fuck the party that enables him. Fuck everybody who’s turned the other way as he’s enabled and enacted white supremacy, shown criminal negligence in matters of public health, flouted the law, trampled norms, consolidated power, and betrayed the founding principles of this country for his own gains. Vote, and vote Biden. (And yeah, a vote for anyone else falls into the category of “people who didn’t do all they could do to stop Trump” category.)
I was inspired to do this because Tough Pigs, the Muppet fan site, wrote its own endorsement of Joe Biden. I figured if the Muppet guys have the courage to come and step up, so should we. Their endorsement is much nicer, and more eloquent, and includes lots of good reasons to vote for Biden. I encourage you to read it if you want some good reasons to vote that way.
But you know the reasons already. You should know the score by now.
It just needed to be said.
So we can pretend this post is useful and offers some sort of service:
- Go to Vote411 to check your voting info and make a plan for how to vote. Balletopedia and Injustice Watch also has good info so you can study up on your ballot initiatives and your judges before you go to the booth.
- The header image comes from this Etsy site, which is in the UK (they call it a jumper!) so it won’t ship you merch in time for the election and the proceeds won’t benefit the campaign, but it’s cuter than the other stuff out there. (They had nothing to do with the writing of this post.) These shirts are also cute and 50% go to the campaign.
- Or fuck the shirts, and just give money to democrats all the way down. Donate to Biden/Harris, this fund to help flip some vulnerable senate seats, this fund for reps, and this one to help turn state legislatures. Some of these funds are rolling in it, but sometimes it feels good to rage-give. (I’m also a fan of Higher Heights, Vote Mama, and Supermajority, which helps women candidates get elected.)